
The history of the Department of Land Management can be traced back to the Department of Planning, Land Economy, and Rural Development, one of the Departments of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the University for Development Studies. In 2007, the Department of Planning, Land Economy, and Rural Development (DPLERD), was requested to explore the possibilities of upgrading into a Faculty establishing 3 distinctive Departments in run professional programmes in Planning, Real Estate and Land Management, and Integrated Community Development. These processes resulted in the establishment of the Faculty of Planning and Land Management in the 2008/2009 Academic Year as the Second Faculty of Wa Campus of the University for Development Studies. Under the new Faculty, 3 Departments were established: Department of Community Development (DCD), Department of Planning and Management (DPM), and the Department of Real Estate and Land Management (DRELM). The Department of Real Estate and Land Management in the 2009/2010 Academic Year admitted its first batch of Students into the BSc Real Estate programme. Subsequently, the Department of Land Management introduced the BSc. Land Management programme in the 2012/2013 academic year. In 2020, the Wa Campuse of the University for Development Studies became autonomous following the enactment of Act 1001 (2019). In October 2020, the Department of Real Estate and Land Management was split into 3 Departments to run programmes tailored for the Build environment in line with the University’s Strategic Plan and growth agenda. The new Departments are the Department of Real Estate, Department of Land Management and Department of Construction Studies. Since 2020 the Department of Land Management has been running as an autonomous Department and runs the BSc Land Management programme with 5 permanent academic staff and 1 administrator. The Department is currently led by Prof. Elias Danyi Kuusaana as its foundational Head of Department. As part of the Department’s plans, it will run MSc/MPhil/PhD programmes in Land Management and Land Information Management.

Under Construction

Course Details

Under Constuction.

Job Prospects

Under Constuction.


Course Requirements

Under Construction


Staff Name Qualifications Position/Rank
Kuusaana, E. D Dr. Agrar. (Bonn, Germany); MSc. (Munich, Germany), BSc. (Kumasi, Ghana) Associate Professor
Biitir, S. B PhD. (Kumasi, Ghana); MPhil. (Kumasi, Ghana); MSc. (Rotherham, Netherlands); BSc (Kumasi, Ghana); PGDip Senior Lecturer
Nara, B. B PhD. (Enschede, Netherlands); MPhil. (Kumasi, Ghana); BA (Tamale, Ghana); Teacher’s Certificate ‘A’ (Tamale, Ghana) Senior Lecturer
Abubakari, Z PhD. (Enschede, Netherlands); MSc. (Enschede, Netherlands); BSc. (Kumasi, Ghana) Lecturer
Appau, W. M MPhil. (Tamale, Ghana); MSc. (Enschede, Netherlands); BSc. (Tamale, Ghana) Lecturer

Meet Our Faculty


Dr. Kuusaana, E. D



Dr. Biitir, S. B



Nara, B. B
