Meet Our Team

Prof. Issaka Kanton Osumanu

Prof. Naasegnibe Kuunibe

Prof. Samuel Sekyi

Mr. Sanwine Kaleo

Dr. Frank Kannigenye Teng-Zeng

Dr. Grace Alenoma

Prof. Raymond Aabeyir

Lea Anzagra (PhD)

Dr. Mustapha Adams

Pro-Vice Chancellor
Prof. Issaka Kanton Osumanu
Prof. Issaka Kanton Osumanuis an Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Science in the Department of Geography. His areas of expertise include Urban Geography, Land Use Change, Water and Sanitation, and Sustainability. He has over 20 years of experience in teaching, research, and community engagements. He teaches courses both at the undergraduate and graduate levels including Introduction to Geographic Thought, Methods of Geographic Inquiry, Techniques of Spatial Analysis, Research Methods, Urban Environmental Management, Environmental Thought and Practice, and Academic Writing.
Prof. Osumanu holds a PhD in Geography and Resource Development from the University of Ghana, which he obtained in 2007. He also obtained his BA Geography and Resource Development from the same University in 1999.
Prof. Osumanu began his university career as a Senior Research Assistant in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies, University for Development Studies, Navrongo Campus, in 2001. He was appointed a Lecturer in the same Department in October, 2007 and was appointed on promotion to a Senior Lecturer in January, 2013. In July, 2018, he was appointed on promotion again to Associate Professor. He has worked with the University for Development Studies/University for Business and Integrated Development Studies for over 20 years, from 2001 to 2020. During this period, he has served as Head of Department, Graduate Programs Coordinator, and, now, as Dean.
DERS/EU-REACH Project. Establishment of Geo-Database of District Health, Education, Socio-Economic and Land Use/Infrastructure items.
Research into Liquid Waste Management in Bimbilla. A study conducted for the Nanumba North Municipal Assembly.
Local Land and Water Management Practices in Ghana: A Characterization of Multiple Development Stories. Research Collaboration between the International Water Management Institute and the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, University for Development Studies.
Local Land and Water Management Practices in Ghana: A Characterization of Multiple Development Stories. Research Collaboration between the International Water Management Institute and the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, University for Development Studies.
Improving Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Provision Globally Through Information and Action Driven Locally. Research conducted for the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London. Rapid Assessment of Environmental Health and Disaster Monitoring in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana. Research conducted for the Government of Ghana.

Dean, Faculty of Social Science and Arts (FSSA)
Prof. Naasegnibe Kuunibe
Naasegnibe Kuunibe is an Associate Professor of Applied Economics and Health Systems Research in the Department of Economics. He was a former Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Science and Arts. He holds a PhD in Public Health (Health Economics and Financing) from the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, Germany, an MPhil in Economics, and a BA (Hons) in Economics, both from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Prof Kuunibe’s areas of expertise include program evaluation, health systems, Quality of life, population health and youth violence. With over 12 years of teaching and research experience, he has over 34 academic publications in internal and local outlets. In addition to graduate and undergraduate supervision, Naasegnibe teaches Econometrics, Mathematical Economics and Mathematics for Economists at the undergraduate level. He teaches Advanced Microeconomics, Advanced Statistics for Monitoring and Evaluation Data, Health Statistics and Information Management, and Health Insurance Systems at the graduate level. Prof Kuunibe has served on several committees at the University, Faculty and Departmental levels.
Prof Kuunibe has consulted for many international and local organisations, including but not limited to the World Bank Group, GIZ, and the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG). He has also presented at many international conferences, including the International Health Economics Association (IHEA), the German Society for Tropical Paediatrics (GTP), the German Society for Health Economics (DGGO) and the UBIDS. Prof Kuunibe currently serves as a Global Assessor for Early Career Grants at the prestigious Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) in the UK and a Senior Fellow at a multidisciplinary, international research institute, the Institute for Research and Policy Integration in Africa (IRPIA) in Siera Leonne and the USA.
For more on his research activities please visit

Head, Economics Department
Prof. Samuel Sekyi

Faculty Officer
Mr. Sanwine Kaleo
Mr. Sanwine Kaleo is a self-motivated person, calm in demeanor, dedicated, and hardworking young man interested in impacting people (society) positively irrespective of race, colour, nationality, religion, gender, among other things. Mr. Sanwine is a good mixer and always wants to see smiles on the faces of others. He considers the welfare of others first, therefore, he is a man of concern.
Mr. Sanwine holds a Master of Philosophy Degree in Social Administration, a Bachelor of Management Studies, Higher National Diploma (HND) in Secretrayship and Management Studies from the University for Development Studies, University of Cape Coast, Tamale Polytechnic now Tamale Technical University respectively. He also holds Typist Grade I certificate from the National Coordinating Committee for Technical and Vocational Education and Training [NACVET], Tamale. He Sat for the Senior Typist Grade and had passes in English and Office Procedures, NACVET, Tamale. He also sat for Typist Grade I from the Government Secretarial Schools Grading Examinations and had passes in English and Office Procedures. Further, he holds a certificate (2 Months) in Computer Training – MS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint, and MS Publisher from Standards Promotion Institute, Tamale.
Mr. Sanwine is currently the Acting Faculty Officer of the Faculty of Social Science and Arts (FSSA), Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS), Wa, Ghana. He worked for the Wa Campus of the University for Development Studies (UDS) now SDD-UBIDS for over twelve (12) years. He worked in the Registry and Department of Community Development (DCD) as an Administrative Assistant and Senior Administrative Assistant, Faculty of Planning and Land Management (FPLM). He also worked in the Post-Graduate Programmes Registry as Principal Administrative Assistant, FPLM, UDS before he was upgraded to the post of a Junior Assistant Registrar and was posted to FSSA where he served 3 months before he was made the Acting Faculty Officer.
Preceding his appointment by the University for Development Studies (UDS), he worked as Classroom Teacher (Voluntary National Service) at the Presbyterian Junior Secondary School, Yapei from January, 2010 – February, 2010; Data Entry Clerk (Voluntary National Service) at Bole Mutual Health Insurance Scheme, Bole from January, 2009 – August, 2009; Registration Officer (Mandatory National Service) at Bole Mutual Health Insurance Scheme, Bole from January, 2008 – August, 2008, and Classroom Teacher (ICT) and sometimes handled Typewriting Lessons at the Standards Promotion Institute, Tamale, Ghana from January, 2003 – July, 2007.
Currently, Mr. Sanwine is Secretary to a number of Boards, Committees for example, he is a Secretary to the Faculty of Social Science and Arts Board, SDD-UBIDS Sports Committee, FSSA Appointments and Promotions Committee, and Security Committee. He was also a secretary to the Library Board, Graduate School Board, Department of Community Development Board, FPLM Staff Welfare, Interim Secretary to Senior Staff Association – Universities of Ghana, Rep., FUSSAG Provident Fund, Wa Campus, a Member of the Publicity Committee, UDS 14th & 15th Congregations, and Food Committee, UDS 13th Congregation, and served as a laminating officer/camera operator, Choggu Electoral Area.

Head, Dep. of History and Political Science
Dr. Frank Kannigenye Teng-Zeng
Dr Frank Kannigenye Teng-Zeng is a Senior Lecturer and Foundation Head, Department of History and Political Science, Faculty of Social Science and Arts, SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS), Ghana. He has been former Head, Department of Social, Political & Historical Studies, Vice Dean and the Co-ordinator of Postgraduate Prorammes in FIDS as well as former Foundation Head, Department of Social Science and Business Education in the Faculty of Education previously under the University for Development Studies Wa Campus, Faculty Quality Assurance Officer FIDS. He is a Researcher in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Studies, Governance and Development.
He obtained his doctoral degree in Political Science from University of Stellenbosch, South Africa in 2002. He also holds a Master’s degree in International Studies from the same University, and completed his undergraduate studies (BA Honours) in Sociology at the University of Ghana, Lagon, Ghana.
Teng-Zeng has published and presented papers at international and national conferences including an invitation to present at the Science Forum of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in the Republic of South Africa in August 2002; the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Conference Conditions for Maximising S&T to NEPAD Process, organized by South Africa’s National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI), Eskom Convention Centre, Midrand, South Africa, in October 2002. Some of his articles include “ Science and technology in Sub-Saharan: Regional Co-operation in a Post-national Environment”, African Insight (2003) 33(3); “The Same Story or New Directions? Science and Technology within the Framework of the African Union and New Partnership for Africa’s Development”, in Science and Public Policy June 32(3); “Science, Technology and Institutional Co-operation in Africa: From Pre-colonial to Colonial Science”, in Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review January 22(1); “Financing science and innovation in Africa: institutional development and policy changes”, in Kalua F, Awotedu A, Kamwanja L, & Saka J. (edited), 2009; and “Science and Technology Indicators in Africa: Historical Development and Challenges”, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID)1(2&3); “Tug of war: street trading and city governance in Kumasi”, Ghana Development in Practice (2016) Vol, 26 (Issue 7):, “Protecting the rights of people displaced by dams: an assessment of the development of Ghana’s Bui Dam”, International Journal of Society Systems Science (2018) Vol. 10 (4) “Students-Management conflicts in tertiary institutions in Ghana: A review of their nature in University for Development Studies from 1999 to 2009”, Journal of Global Peace and Conflict (2019) Vol. 7(2); etc.
He has been an invited discussant on Regional Profile on Sub-Sahara Africa- Symposium on Comparative Analysis on National Research Systems, organised by UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, UNESCO Head Office, Paris, France in January 2008. He was invited by the NEPAD Office of Science and Technology to be part of the NEPAD Health Book on “Science, Technology and Innovation for Public Health in Africa” editorial team meeting in September 2008 and also invited to the NEPAD-OST Consultative meeting on preparation of implementation plan of a programme of action on building African political leadership on the harmonization of drug regulations, in October 2008. He was a member of a research team that worked on a Situation Analysis on harmonization of drug registration in Africa. Also, he has been an invited speaker at the NEPAD African Initiative on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) Harmonization Workshop, 9-13 March 2009.
His research interests include International political economy focusing on science, technology and innovation Policy Analysis, Governance and international development. The National Systems of Innovation approach focusing on indicators development, human capital, Research Management and Funding; Academic Quality Assurance at Higher Education Institutions in Africa; Organizational power, politics, conflict and change management. He is currently working on E-Government Infrastructure investments and public service delivery in Ghana; Political Economy of Statistics and Institutional Credibility; Technological innovation and democratic governance; water governance and rights-based approach to development in Ghana.
Dr. Teng-Zeng teaches courses in Energy and Development; Governance, Science and Technology Regional Co-operation and Integration in Africa, Social Development, International Relations and Political Thought at the Undergraduate level; whilst at the Postgraduate level he handles courses in Development Theory, Change Management in Development, Organisational Theory and Behaviour, Governance and Democracy, and Policy Analysis. He is also involved in the supervision of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Department:History and Political Science

Head, Dep. of Sociology and Social Work
Dr. Grace Alenoma
Dr. Grace Alenoma is a Senior Lecturer and the Head of Department for Sociology and Social Work at the Simon Diedong University of Business and Integrated Development Studies. She is a specialist in Childhood Studies, otherwise referred to as Sociology of Childhood. She studied at the University of Milan and Turin in Italy between January 2014 and August 2017 and obtained PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research in March 2018. She obtained M.Phil. Degree in Sociology in 2008 having studied between 2004 and 2007 at the University of Ghana, Legon. She also acquired a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology with Political Science in 2001 from the University of Ghana; studying Sociology, Political Science and Psychology at the beginning. She attended the Winneba Secondary School between 1994 and 1996 for the sixth form, having passed the GCE ‘O’ Levels from the Wa Secondary School in 1994. She passed the GCE ‘A’ Levels examination in 1996, studying Economics, Business Management, Government, and General Paper.
She has 14 years of work experience in academia and 4 years of work experience as a Development Practitioner.
- Representations of Childhood and Child Poverty in Rural Communities in Northern Ghana,
- Towards ensuring Food and income security of small holder farmers: the Cultivation and Marketing of Bambara groundnut in Ghana part of: “Enhancing Bambara Groundnut Production and Marketing for Improved Food Security in Africa”sponsored by International Foundation for Science of Sweden) (Grantee J/5511-1)
- Children’s Perspectives of Poverty and Vulnerability in the Lawra District of the Upper West Region of Ghana: Implications for Social Protection
- Representations of Children and Childhood in Dagaaba Proverbs in north-western Ghana
- At crossroads: Interrogating formal Microfinance, Village Savings and Loans Associations and ‘Susu’ for women the informal economy in Ghana
- Community Vs Institutional Meanings of Child Poverty: Implications for Policy for Reducing Child Poverty.
- Rural-urban Migration in Nadowli District of the Upper West Region of Ghana: A Curse or a Blessing to the Aged? A case study in the Nadowli District.
Department:Sociology and Social Work

Head, Dep. of Geography
Prof. Raymond Aabeyir
Prof. Raymond Aabeyir is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography and the Head of Department. He has expertise in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). He has over ten years of experience in teaching and research. His research interest is in the applications of remote sensing and geographic information tools in land use assessment. He teaches Principles of GIS, Principles of Remote Sensing, Spatial Statistics, Geographic Reference Systems and Principles of Land Surveying. He is a member of the Ghana Geographical Association.
Prof. Aabeyir obtained his PhD qualification in Climate Change and land Use from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 2016, under the sponsorship of the West African Science Service Centre for Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) from February 2013 to April 2016. He obtained his Master of Science Degree in Geo-Information and Earth Observation from KNUST/ITC in 2008 under the NUFFIC fellowship from August 2007 to March 2008. Prof. Aabeyir obtained his first degree in Geomatic Engineering from KNUST in 2004.
Prof. Aabeyir started his career as a teaching Assistant during his national service for the 2004/2005 National Service Year in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Faculty of Applied Science of the then Navrongo Campus of UDS. He has worked with the University for Development Studies from 2005 to 2020. In September 2005, he was employed by the University as a Senior Research Assistant in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies (FIDS) of the then Wa Campus of the University. In 2008, he was upgraded to a lecturer, and in 2018, he was promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer. Prof. Aabeyir served as ancillary staff in the Faculty Examinations Office from 2005 to 2012 and acted as the Faculty Examinations Officer of FIDS in October 2012. He also served as the Quality Assurance Officer for the Department of Environment and Resource Studies from 2016 to 2017. He served as the Faculty Coordinator of the community field-based Third Trimester Field Programme for the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the then Wa Campus of the University for Development Studies from 2017 to August 2020. He also served the Ghana Journal of Development Studies as the Editorial Secretary from July 2018 to June 2021. Besides, he was a member of the editorial subcommittee of the maiden SDD-UBIDS conference held in November 2021.

Head, Dep. of Applied Statistics
Lea Anzagra (PhD)
Lea Anzagra is a Senior lecturer and the Head of the Department of Applied Statistics in the Faculty of Social Science and Arts. A Fellow of Ghana School on Internet Governance, Lea holds a PhD and an MSc. in Applied Statistics from the University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana. Prior to her post graduate studies, she held a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Lea has experience in data management and analysis. Her research interest spans from Distribution Theory, Survival Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Non Parametric Statistics through to general application of statistics in the areas of Health and Law. Also, she has experience working with statistical software such as R, SAS, SPSS and Genstat among others. She has published extensively in renowned peer-reviewed journals (for more information, visit and presented at a number of conferences such as the Ghana Geographical Association National Conference and SDD-UBIDS Research Conference
Department:Applied Statistics

Snr Lecturer
Dr. Mustapha Adams
Mustapha Adams is a highly motivated researcher with a passion for applying statistical methods to address critical public health challenges. Having completed my PhD in Statistics (2023) at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana, I possess a strong foundation in data analysis and interpretation, particularly within the realm of health and infectious diseases.
Mustapha’s academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Actuarial Science (2010) from the University for Development Studies (UDS), Ghana, followed by a Master of Science (MSc) in Biometry (2013) from UDS, Tamale, respectively. This diverse educational background equips me with a unique blend of statistical expertise, a deep understanding of health outcomes, and a strong analytical foundation, as evidenced by my publications on critical public health issues like stroke and HIV/AIDS.
In order to make a positive impact on global health, Mustapha Adams is particularly interested in health and infectious disease research. I am a dedicated individual with excellent communication and analytical skills, honed through extensive research experience.
Department:Applied Statistics