Meet Our Team

Lawrence Naaikuur

Damasus Tuurosong

Amos Dangbie Dordah

Justine Bakuuro

Prosper K. Kuorsoh

Francis Nangbeviel Sanyare

Paul Bata Domanban

Alexis Beyuo (Ph.D)

Alex Bokuma

Rita Udor

Frederick Der Bebelleh

Jonah Amosah

Abdul-Kadri Yahaya

Isaac Agyemangis

John Bosco Baguri Sumani

Kenneth Peprah

Abdullah Alhassan

Enoch A. Kosoe

Clifford James Fagariba

Prosper Basommi Laari

Alfred B. Kpieta

Dennis Puorideme

David Millar

Michael Pervarah

Thomas Azagsiba Agana

Cuthert Baataar K.M

Isaac Dery

Senior Lecturer
Lawrence Naaikuur
Dr. Lawrence Naaikuur is a senior lecturer in the Department of Communication Studies (DECS) and the current Head of Department of DECS within the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the SD-Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies.
He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Local Governance and Communication Studies from the Aalborg University, Denmark and a Master of Philosophy and Bachelor’s degrees both from the Gregorian University, Rome as well as a Diploma in Communication Studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism, Accra.
Dr. Naaikuur has extensive practical experience in development work in addition to his knowledge in the area of development communication. Prior to being engaged at SDD-UBIDS, he worked with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Netherlands Development Organization known as the SNV where, he was as Communications Officer and an Education Advisor, respectively. He was the Founding Manager of the first community radio in Ghana, Radio Progress. Dr. Naaikuur has consulted for the Ghana Community Radio Network, an association of not-for-profit radio stations in Ghana (GCRN). He was instrumental in the founding of GCRN. Under the auspices of the GCRN, he served as a Principal Internal Co-Evaluator of Participatory Community Radio and the Right to Communicate – A Singular Pathway to the SDGs (CR-SDGs) in Partnership with GCRN and Crossing Borders, Denmark in April 2021. He is the Founder and Executive Director of a non-governmental organisation known as Hope for People’s Empowerment (HOPE) that is dedicated to socio-economic empowerment of women in the Upper West Region, Ghana.
i. Naaikuur, L., Diedong, A. L.& Dzisah W. S. (2022). Stakeholders and Community Radio: Promoting Participatory Governance in Ghana. Legon Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 32.2. DOI:
ii. Diedong, L.A., Tuurosong, D. & Naaikuur, L. (2021). Exploring the Relevance of Civil Society Organizations and Media Partnership for Promoting Social Accountability in Promoting Local Governance in the Upper West Region, Ghana. Journal of Development Communication, Vol. 32 (1). pp. 1-11
iii. Naaikuur, L., & Diedong, L. A. (2021). Media and Governance: Promoting Local Governance through Community Radio in Northern Ghana. Journal of Development and Communication Studies.Vol. (8) No. 1, pp. 144 163.
Department:Communication Studies

Senior Lecturer
Damasus Tuurosong
Dr. Damasus Tuurosong is a Senior Lecturer in Development Communication and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies at the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS).
He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies from the University of Cape Coast, a Master of Philosophy and Graduate Diploma both in Communication Studies from the University of Ghana as well as a Bachelor of Arts in English and Theatre Arts also from the University of Ghana.
Dr. Tuurosong has extensive experience in academia, journalism, advertising, public relations, business and NGO work. Prior to being engaged at SDD-UBIDS, he lectured at the University for Development Studies (UDS), Wa Polytechnic and the Ghana Institute of Journalism. He also had part-time teaching experience with the University of Ghana’s Distance Learning Centre in Wa as well as the SS Peter and Paul Pastoral and Social Institute in Wa. Prior to embarking on a career in academia, Dr. Tuurosong worked at Orakle Communications Ltd as Public Relations and Copy Chief, in which capacity he managed the public relations account of Japan International Cooperation Agency. He was the Editor of Business Watch Magazine and Regional Editor of Sunday Herald Newspaper. He has for many years volunteered his services at Radio Progress, as a Presenter, Acting Manager, Board Secretary and currently as the Board Chairman. Dr. Tuurosong has consulted for some national and international NGO’s and donor agencies including the United Nations Mission in Liberia, UNICEF, Actionaid and Vibrant Village Foundation. He is also the Proprietor of TUPASO Centre of Academic Excellence, a private educational institution, which offers pre-school, basic and senior high school education. He is the National President of the Ghana National Association of Private Schools and a Board Member of the National Schools Inspectorate Authority.
i. Nyande, K., Al-Hassan, S., and Tuurosong, D. (2022). A Comprehensive Understanding into the Drivers of Lean Implementation in the Public Sector in Ghana. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Ghana: Vol. 19, No.1 (7), pp.119-146, E-ISSN: 2343-6891.
ii. Tuurosong, D. (2021). The role of Dagbani movies in promoting peaceful co-existence in Northern Region, Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 18 (1), DOI//
iii. Diedong, A. L., Tuurosong, D. & Naaikuur, L. (2021). Exploring the relevance of civil society organisations and media partnership for promoting social accountability in local governance in Upper West Region, Ghana, Journal of Development Communication, Vol. 32, No. 1.
Department:Development Communication

Amos Dangbie Dordah
My disciplinary areas of expertise are: Critical Discourse Analysis; Mediated Discourse Analysis; Nexus Analysis; Environmental Communication; and Local Community Development. My research is centred on the relationship between individual actions and discourses circulating across scales, such as between mining corporations and local community activists. To account for these relations, I adopt an approach that integrates methodological tools from the well-established traditions of interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, and critical discourse analysis. I am interested in the workings of deliberative democracy, particularly in the extractive sector. To this end, my work, teaching and research focus on creating spaces for and developing strategies for cross-fertilization of perspectives between local populations affected by mineral extraction, governmental agencies and multinational mining corporations.
My current research in this area is brought together in a meeting between sustainability and nexus analysis. This is an ongoing project into the influence of discourses in place in communicating differently mining companies’ impacts on local communities and local social action. I am working with some colleagues on two projects, which bring nexus analysis and sustainability discourse together. One of the projects aims to use nexus analysis ethnography to generate everyday evidence of corporate negative impact on the environment and human lives and to connect same to discourses circulating in a corporate sustainability report. The purpose is to contribute to ways of solving the incompleteness and lack of transparency in corporate sustainability reporting. These two projects extend the approach developed in Actors’ Perspectives on Gold Mining and Local Community Development Nexus: a critical discourse analysis of representations of actions (Aalborg University Press, 2019).
Another project explores how discourses in place and historical body in their conceptual and material nature influence how mining-affected individuals represent sustainability differently from a multinational company’s sustainability representation. My third project aims to explore how a meeting between nexus analysis and system approaches to deliberative democracy can add to existing attempts at addressing the scale issue in deliberative democratic theory and practice.

Justine Bakuuro
Mr. Justine Bakuuro is a Catholic from Tuopare in Upper West Region, Ghana. His personal philosophy is serving society and meeting set targets. Mr. Bakuuro is self-motivated and his core values include hard work, commitment to duty, paying attention to details, team player spirit, ready-to-learn attitude and the fear of God.
- PhD (English Language), work in progress 2018-Date
- M.Phil. (English Language), UEW, Ghana July,2015
- A Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB), GIMPA, Ghana June,2021
- B. ED (English major), UCC, Ghana July,2006
Work Experience:
- September,2020 – Date, Lecturer, SDD-UBIDS, Wa (Current)
- October,2019 – September,2020Lecturer, Ghana Institute of Languages, Tamale
- June,2016 – August,2018, Part-Time Lecturer, Dept. of African & General Studies, UDS, Wa
- 2012 – Date Part-Time Tutor, UCC and UEW Distance Learning Programmes, Wa
i. Bakuuro, J. (2020). Dagaare-English Code Switching: An Analytical Survey. Athens Journal of Philology.Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp 215-234.
ii. Bakuuro, J., Diedong, A.L. (2020). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Language in Ghanaian Newspaper Editorials. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, Vol. 7 Issue 1, pp1-14.
iii. Bakuuro, J., Tuurosong, D. (2021). On the Nature of Talk-in-Interaction: A Pragmatic Study of Informal Conversations. Athens Journal of Philology, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp 79-96.

Assistant Lecturer
Prosper K. Kuorsoh
Until his appointment as Assistant Lecturer at the Department of African and General Studies (DAGS) of the SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS), Mr. Kuorsoh was an Editor at the Wa Office of the Ghana News Agency (GNA).
As a Journalist, Mr. Kuorsoh has won several national and regional awards including the GJA Awards in the areas of health, agriculture, environment and disability reporting. He is a pioneer student member of the Communication Educators Association of Ghana (CEAG). He is also a 2021 Media Capacity Building Initiative for Reporting on Disability (MCBIRD) Fellow. As an Assistant Lecturer in DAGS, Mr Kuorsoh teaches four courses: Communication Studies, Introduction to Journalism, Introduction to Print Journalism and Advance Print Journalism. His research interest areas include gender and media, social media and audience sentiments analysis, development journalism and journalists’ security
Mr. Prosper K. Kuorsoh attended the Bugubelle Junior Secondary School in Upper West for his basic school education and proceeded to Kanton Secondary School, Tumu where he gained his SSCE. He then proceeded to the Ghana Institute of Journalism and graduated in 2007 with a Diploma in Communication Studies. In 2012, Mr. Kuorsoh gained admission into the then Wa campus of the University for Development Studies and graduated in 2015 with Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Development Studies majoring in Development Communication. In 2018, he gained admission to the University of Education, Winneba, and completed a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Programme in Communication and Media Studies in 2021.
Mr Kuorsoh did his mandatory National Service with the National Health Insurance Scheme in the Sissala West District in 2007/2008 after which he did another one year (2008-2009) as Voluntary Service – teaching English Language at the Lassia Tuolu Senior High School in the Wa West District, Ghana. While teaching at the SHS, Mr Kuorsoh was also doing part time reporting for the Daily Dispatch, a private Newspaper in Accra. After one year, he was employed by the Ghana News Agency in 2009 as a Reporter based in Wa, Upper West Region. By dint of hard work, he rose through the ranks to become an Editor. While working for the GNA, he was also appointed Board Member, Social Initiative for Literacy and Development Programme in 2015 till date. He was elected the Upper West Regional Secretary of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) in 2017 till date. He was elected Assembly Member for Gumo Electoral Area in the Sissala West District (2015 – 2019). He is the Upper West Regional Focal Person for the Ghana Agricultural and Rural Development Journalists Association since 2014.
Department:African and General Studies

Senior Lecturer
Francis Nangbeviel Sanyare
Francis is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Development Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development Studies. He is the Head of Department of the Department of Development studies. He was previously a lecturer in the Department of Social Political and Historical Studies, University for Development Studies, Wa Campus. He served as Faculty Examinations Officer and Department Quality Assurance Officer. He specialised in Public Administration – local Government, Change Management Development; Social/Public Policy Planning Analysis and Critical Development Studies. He has worked in the UK, Ghana, and Nigeria in teaching, research, and providing consultancy services.
Earned a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in Development Policy and Management in 2013 from the Institute of Development Policy and Management, School of Environment, Education and Development. Master of Science (MSc) degree in Organizational Change and Development from the University of Manchester, UK in 2007. Dr Sanyere completed a Certificate programme in NGO Management from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) in 2006, Received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Integrated Development Studies from The University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana in 2002.
- Senior. lecturer, Department of Development studies SD Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development studies 2020 to date.
- Senior lecturer, Department of social, Political and historical studies, University for Development Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, Wa campus from 2018-2020
- Faculty examinations officer: University for Development Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, Wa campus – 2918 – 2020
- Lecturer: University for Development Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, Wa campus from 2013-2018
i. Abukari, A. K., Alhassan, I. & Sanyare, F. N. (2020). A Study of Organizational Cynicism Among Employee Groups in a Multi-Campus Public University in Ghana: Does the Level of Education Matter? Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7, 43-51.
Department:Development Studies

Senior Lecturer
Paul Bata Domanban
A Senior Lecturer in the Department of Development Studies, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana. He has taught at the university level for the past 20 years. He has published academic articles in both local and international refereed journals His research interests are in microfinance, poverty, and development.
He holds BA (Hons) in Economics (University of Cape Coast), MA Development Studies (University of Ghana, Legon) and PhD in Endogenous Development (University for Development Studies). He is the Dean of Students of SDD-UBIDS.
Work Experience
- Dean of Students, SDD-UBIDS – May 2021.
- Senior Lecturer, SD Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development Studies – 2020.
- Senior Lecturer, University for Development Studies – 2018 – 2020.
- Lecturer, University for Development Studies – 2005 – 2017.
- Senior Research Assistant, University for Development Studies -2001-2004.
- Economics and Social Studies Tutor, Navrongo Secondary School – 1997 – 2001
- Akurugu, C. A., Dery, I., & Bata, P. D. (2022). Marriage, bridewealth and power: critical reflections on women’s autonomy across settings in Africa. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4.
- Domanban, P. B., Asitik, A. J., & Addy-Morton, R. (2022). The Role of Rural Banks in Poverty Reduction among Women: Evidence from Sonzele Rural Bank, Ghana. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 19(1), 49-70.
- Sekyi, S., Domanban, P. B., & Agbenyo, F. (2022). Exploring heterogeneity of national health insurance scheme enrolment among persons in the informal sector. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management.
Department:Development Studies

Alexis Beyuo (Ph.D)
Dr. Beyuo is a lecturer at the Department of Development Studies.
He has a Ph.D in Development Studies from the University of Ghana, MSc. in Sustainable Development from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland and BA in Integrated Development Studies from the University for Development Studies. Dr. Beyuo is an alumnus of the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) as well as a DAAD scholar (see Alexis Beyuo – African Excellence (
He is a researcher and rural development officer with proven track record of success in impact studies. He has conducted research for the United Nations University’s Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). His last appointment before joining SDD UBIDS was as a Post-Doctoral Research fellow at the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (see Global Health & Infectious Diseases Group – KCCR ( He has also been instrumental in starting and nurturing into growth, community development interventions in the fields of microfinance and public health.
- Agbogbatey, M. K., Sarfo, F. S., Beyuo, A., Duah, K., Agasiya, P., Tagge, R., & Amuasi, J. H. (2022). Feasibility, Acceptability, And Appropriateness of The Phone-Based Interventions Under Nurse Guidance After Stroke (PINGS) in Ghana. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 31(4), 106374.
- Aglanu, L. M., Amuasi, J. H., Schut, B. A., Steinhorst, J., Beyuo, A., Dari, C. D., & Stienstra, Y. (2022). What the snake leaves in its wake: Functional limitations and disabilities among snakebite victims in Ghanaian communities. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(5), e0010322.
- Beyuo, A. and Anyidoho, N.A. (2021). European Journal of Development Research.
Department:Development Studies

Alex Bokuma
Dr. Bokuma is multitalented and skilled teacher, researcher, youth coach, development consultant capacity building and training specialist, and entrepreneur. He holds a PhD in Endogenous Development from the University for Development Studies, a joint European Masters Degree in Comparative Local Development from the Universities of Trento and Regensburg in Italy and Germany respectively and a Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Sociology from the University of Ghana.
His research interest include development theory, rural development, endogenous development and the Sociology of development. Dr Bokuma brings over 13 years of extensive experience in development coordination, management and consulting with international organizations including GIZ, IFDC, UNDP, USAID, DFID and DANIDA. He is the founder and immediate past Executive Director of the Center for Sustainable Local Development, an NGO based in Tamale. Prior to that, he worked with the United Nations in Ghana as a National Humanitarian Officer and a Project Manager.
His areas of expertise include project design and management, agribusiness and value chain development, food security, climate adaptation and sustainable livelihoods. His talents also include capacity building of private sector organizations (PSOs) such as farmer-ased organizations/cooperatives and business associations in leadership and governance, business plan development, business advocacy and financial management.
Educational Qualification and Institution
- PhD in Endogenous Development Studies (2019), University for Development Studies, (Tamale, Ghana).
- Joint Master in Comparative Local Development (2008), Magna Cum Laude, University of Trento, (Trento, Italy).
- Bachelor of Arts (2005), University of Ghana, (Legon, Accra), First Class Honours
- Diploma in Theatre Studies (2000), University of Ghana, (Legon, Accra), (Pass with Distinction).
- Teachers’ Certificate ‘A’ 3-year Post-Secondary (1995), St John Bosco’s College, (Navrongo, Ghana).
- GCE ‘O’ Levels (1992) Lawra Secondary School, (Lawra, Ghana).
Department:Development Studies

Rita Udor
Dr. Rita Udoris a lecturer with the Department of Development Studies where she teaches Gender and Development, Population and Development, Community Development Theories and Practice among others. Her research interests border on issues of gender, migration and development. As a gender expert, Dr. Udor works with community-based organizations and non-governmental organizations to build their capacity in gender equality and women’s rights. She also performs gender audits, gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluations for these organizations.
Dr. Rita Udor completed her undergraduate studies at University of Ghana, Legon and later obtained scholarship to pursue both her Master’s degree and Ph.D degree at Ewha Womans University in South Korea.
Dr. Rita Udor joined SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies as a lecturer in 2020 and is affiliated to the Department of Development Studies
She has a record of publications as demonstrated by her articles published by the Asian Journal of Sociology and Ethnic and Racial Studies.
i. Udor, Rita and Sharon J. Yoon. (2022). The Effects of Colorism on Migrants’ Adaptation in Asia: The Racial Exclusion of African Migrants in South Korea’s ‘Multicultural’ Society. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(10):2004-2024.
Department:Development Studies

Frederick Der Bebelleh
Frederick Der Bebelleh is a Lecturer in the Department of Development Studies where he currently teaches Development Theory, Rural Sociology and Development Anthropology and Indigenous knowledge and sciences. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Integrated Development Studies; and Master of Philosophy Degree in Development Studies respectively from the University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale Ghana. He later studied for a PhD in Endogenous Development in the same University and graduated in 2020.
Frederick D. Bebelleh was engaged as Research Assistant in 2003 and promoted to Principal Research Assistant in 2008. He was later engaged as Lecturer in 2010 in the erstwhile Department of Social, Political and Historical Studies in the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the University for Development Studies (UDS). He taught undergraduate courses such as Rural Sociology, Culture and Development and Community development. Following the conversion of the Wa Campus of UDS to the Simon Diedong University of Business and Integrated Development (SDD-UBIDS), he moved to the Department of Development Studies of the Faculty of Integrated Development of UBIDS. Currently, he lectures on Development Theory, Rural Sociology and Development Anthropology and Indigenous knowledge and sciences at the graduate studies level and Introductory Sociology and Issues of Child Protection at the undergraduate level. He is also currently supervising and co-supervising four graduate students. He also consulted for Non-Governmental Organizations such as Care International, Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD) and the Centre for Cosmovision and Indigenous Knowledge (CECIK).
Research Interest Areas:
- Indigenous Knowledge systems, climate change, livelihoods and endogenous development
- Development-Induced displacement and Livelihoods
- Social Protection
- Local and Community Development
- Domapielle, M. K., Sumankuuro, J., & Bebelleh, F. D. (2022). Revisiting the debate on health financing in Low and Middle‐income countries: An integrative review of selected models. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management.
- Bebelleh, FD. (2021). Traditional Authorities and Co-Production in Community Development in Ghana: Insights from the Nandom Traditional Area, SN Social Sciences (2021) 1:199 Springer Nature.
- Yiridomoh, G.Y., Bebelleh, F.D., Bonye, S.Z., & Dayour, F., (2021). Women in ginger production and livelihood sustainability in rural Ghana: an explorative study. Local Environment, DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2021.1952967.
Department:Development Studies

Jonah Amosah
Dr. Jonah Amosah has academic training in Development Studies, Development Planning and Management and Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies. He has a strong inclination to research in areas of water management and climate change. He relies on theoretical and methodological perspectives from the social sciences to understand how climate stressors affect the physical environment and social environment and the livelihoods of individuals. Jonah holds a PhD in Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies from the Department of Culture and Learning, Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University, Denmark. In his thesis, he explored climate change as a global concern and examines how community managed small-scale irrigation scheme farmers are sustaining their livelihoods by adapting to the impacts of climate change using their indigenous knowledge. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Development Planning and Management (SPRING Programme) from the Department of Planning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrated Development Studies (IDS) from the University for Development Studies (UDS), Tamale as well as a Professional Teachers’ Certificate A from Bagabaga College of Education, Tamale. As a trained teacher, Jonah taught briefly in Tamale.
After postgraduate studies he was appointed as a lecturer in the Department of Social, Political and Historical Studies, at the UDS Wa Campus in 2010, now Simon Diedong Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development Studies (UBIDS) and have since been teaching postgraduate and undergraduate courses to date. Among the causes he has ever taught at the undergraduate level include Fundamentals of Planning, Political Economy of Ghana, Community Mobilization and Development, Development Management, Social Policy Planning Globalization and Development and Comparative Studies of Agencies. At the postgraduate level he taught courses in Project Design and Implementation, Project Planning and Implementation, Resources and Spatial Planning and Regional Development Planning.
Jonah Amosah has supervised and assessed over 30 undergraduates and postgraduate theses from the University for Development studies. Jonah has also been engaged by various Districts’ Assemblies in Ghana as a consultant for the preparation of their medium-term development plans.
- Amosah, J. (2021). Climate Change and Sustainable Livelihoods Adaptation: user perspectives on community managed irrigation schemes in North-Eastern Ghana. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Aalborg Universitet. Det Humanistiske Fakultet. Ph.D.-Serien.
Department:Development Studies

Senior Lecturer
Abdul-Kadri Yahaya
Dr. Abdul-Kadri Yahaya is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies within the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies. He is currently the Head of Department of the Department of Environment and Resource Studies and a member of the Appointments and Promotion Committee of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies. Dr. Abdul-Kadri Yahaya holds PhD in Environmental Science from Osmania University in Hyderabad-India and MSc in Environment and Development from the University of East Anglia in Norwich City-England. Dr. Abdul-Kadri Yahaya has been a university lecturer since 2007. His specialisation is Environment and Natural Resource Management. He is also a reviewer to so many journals (including Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier). As part of his international activities, Dr. Abdul-Kadri Yahaya visited Palacky University in Olomouc-Czech Republic in July 2022 as a visiting lecturer. He has also successfully supervised a number of MPhil theses and MA term papers.
Book Chapter
i. Yahaya, A.K. (2022). Achieving Environmental Targets (Internalizing Externalities. IN K. Peprah, I. K. Osumanu, R. Aabeyir & J. B. B. Sumani, Environment and Resource Management in Ghana.( Woeli Publishing Services Accra). ISBN 978-9988-2-6705-6.Journal Article
ii. Yahaya, A.K., Zakaria, A., and Yeboah Boasu B (2021). Local Actors in the Co-management of Mole National Park and Impacts Associated With It, Ghana Journal of Geography. Vol 13No 3. Pp 200-230. ORCID: 0000-0003-1064-2528
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Senior Lecturer
Isaac Agyemangis
Professor Isaac Agyemangis an Associate Professor of Environmental Management in the Department of Environment and Resources Studies at the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies, SDD University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Wa. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Leeds, UK in Geography. Professor Agyemang teaches environment, development and management related courses at the University and has supervised to completion undergraduates, masters and PhD thesis in the field of environment and natural resource management. He is external examiner at the Presbyterian University College, Ghana, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany and the University for Development Studies, Tamale. He is a member of the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair-ship, KNUST School of Business and O.R Tambo PhD Thesis Advisory and Supervisory Team.
Publication and Technical Report
i. Opoku-Ababio Emmanuel and Agyemang Isaac (2022). Stress Amongst Social Workers in the Kumasi Metropolis, Causes, Effects and Coping Strategies. Technical Report, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Bonn, Germany
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Senior Lecturer
John Bosco Baguri Sumani
Dr. John Bosco Baguri Sumani is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies, Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana. He holds PhD. and 2 Masters in different aspects of Environmental Studies. His teaching and research interests are focused on Agricultural Insurance, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Impact Assessment and Gender and Environment-related fields. Dr. Sumani is in-charge of Research and Publications in his Department, Book Projects Coordinator and Co-Editor of Books written in his department. He is also a Member of his Faculty’s Research and Publications Committee.
i. Sumani, J. B. B., & Osumanu, I. K. (2021). A Vital Resource Ignored: An Exploration of the Ecotourism Potentials of Wuling Mushroom Rocks and Boulders in North-Western Ghana. Tourism Planning & Development, 1-20.
ii. Sumani, J.B.B. (2020). Exploring Sustainability Features and Determinants of Agricultural Insurance Programmes in Low-income Countries. Ghana Journal of Geography, Vol. 12 (2), 169- 200.
iii. Sumani, J. B. B. (2020). The Hunter, his Herbs and Community Biodiversity Conservation in Fian, Ghana: In J.S. Gruber (Ed). Building community: Twelve principles for a healthy future (272-280). British Columbia: New Society Publishers.
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Senior Lecturer
Kenneth Peprah
Professor Kenneth Peprah is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Geography and Environmental Studies at the SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS). His research interests include land degradation and sustainable land management. He holds PhD in Geography and Resource Development from the University of Ghana. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Editorial Board of the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies’ Journal (Ghana Journal of Development Studies, ISSN: 0855-6768). Prof. Peprah is the Director of the Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance of SDD-UBIDS.
Peprah, K., Aabeyir, R., & Kuuwaabong, G. (2022). Degradation of Forest Reserves in Asunafo Forest District, Ghana In P. Samec, Forest Degradation under Global Change. Intech Open
Peprah, K., Aabeyir, R. & Nkegbe, P. K. (2022). Ecosystem-based management of riparian forest resources towards a participatory development of a five-year forest management plan for Volta River in Nandom Municipality, Ghana Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 10(1) 3935-2946, DOI:10.15243/jdmlm.2022.101.3935.
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Abdullah Alhassan
Dr Abdullah Alhassan is a lecturer in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies at the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Bamahu, Ghana. He holds PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, China. He is interested in hydro-informatics and water conservancy information technology research. This encompasses remote sensing and Geographic Information System applications in water resource and environmental studies; extreme precipitation and floods under urban expansion and climate change; urban land use change and eco-environmental effect analysis; internet and data mining; water resources; mapping, information analysis, and visualization; surface water and groundwater interactions.
i. Alhassan, Abdullah, and Menggui Jin. (2020). Evapotranspiration in the Tono Reservoir Catchment in Upper East Region of Ghana Estimated by a Novel TSEB Approach from ASTER Imagery, Remote Sensing, 12: 569.
iii. Li, Jing, Xulong Gong, Xing Liang, Yan Liu, Jilong Yang, Xianmeng Meng, and Abdullah Alhassan. (2021). Salinity evolution of aquitard porewater associated with transgression and regression in the coastal plain of Eastern China, Journal of Hydrology, 603: 127050.
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Enoch A. Kosoe
Dr. Enoch A. Kosoe is a Lecturer in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies, SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana. Enoch is a PhD candidate at the University for Development Studies, Tamale. He holds MSc in Environmental Resource Management from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana and Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Development Studies from the University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana. His research focuses on water, sanitation and environmental health. Enoch has a number of research articles published in reputable peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. He is currently the Department Examination Officer. He is also a member of the Ghana Geographical Association.
Kosoe, A. E. and Ahmed, A., (2022). Climate change adaptation strategies of cocoa farmers in the Wassa East District: Implications for climate services in Ghana. Climate Services, Volume 26, 2022,100289, ISSN 2405-8807,
Kosoe, A. E., Osumanu, K. I. and Darko, D., F. (2021). Connecting Solid Waste Management to Sustainable Urban Development in Africa. In Addaney, M., & Cobbinah, P. (eds.). Sustainable Urban Futures in Africa. Milton: Taylor and Francis Osumanu, K. I., Zumayelleh, A. E. and Kosoe, A. E., (2021). Sustainability of community-managed small town and rural water systems in northern Ghana: lessons from Upper West Region. Community Development Journal, 2021;, bsab015,
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Clifford James Fagariba
Dr. Clifford James Fagariba is a macroeconomic policy expert and environmentalist with more than 12 years of expertise in environmental sustainability and natural resource management. Excellent team player and strong advocate for fruitful collaboration in a wide range of basic and applied research with empirical outcomes. He is an individual who is creative and self-motivated, with an easy integration into a multicultural setting and a unique blend of a detail-oriented attitude, a driven personality, and analytical abilities to fulfill tight deadlines in a fast-paced work environment. He has a BSc in Agricultural Technology from the University for Development Studies and an MA in Environmental Management and Policy from the University of Cape Coast. He also has an MSc in Applied Economics and a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology. He worked for the Ministry of Food and Agriculture for 15 years, rising to the post of Deputy Director. Dr. Clifford is the CEO of the Alliance for Climate Change and Environmental Protection (ACCEP), and the Manager of Procliff Alliance Company Limited. He is also an adjunct lecturer at Africa University College of Communication (AUCC) and a lecturer at Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD UBIDS).
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Prosper Basommi Laari
Prof. Prosper Basommi Laari is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies in the SD Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development Studies. He has over thirty-one refereed publications hinging on spatial analysis, land use, environment, and geomatics. Dr. Laari holds PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the China University of Geosciences, in Wuhan, China. Dr. Laari is a member of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors, and the License Surveyors of Ghana as far as professional practice is concerned. He has worked as a lead consultant on the World bank funded Ghana National Household Registry in the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. He is currently the Chairman of the Lands Commission in the North East region of Ghana and a member of the Ghana National Lands Commission.
i. Laari, P. B., Reduwan, K., & Edward, M. O. (2022). GIS as a Tool for Determining Suitable Dam Sites in The Upper West Region of Ghana. International Journal of Irrigation and Agricultural Development, 5(1), 211-223.
ii. Jonathan, D. Q., Wisdom, D. A., & Laari, P. B. (2022). Household Effective Demand for Electricity in Ghana: Analysis and Implication for Tariffs. Management & Economics Research Journal, 4(1), 129-152.
iii. Ampofo, G.M.K., Laari, P. B., Ware, E. O., & Shaum, W. (2022). Further investigation of the total natural resource rents and economic growth nexus in resource-abundant sub-Saharan African countries. Mineral Economics, (2022), 1-25.
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Senior Lecturer
Alfred B. Kpieta
Rev. Dr. Alfred B. Kpietais a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development Studies of the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies. He holds PhD in Geography and Resource Development from the University of Ghana. At the undergraduate level, Rev. Dr. Alfred Kpieta convenes Urban Development Planning I and II (ERM 317 and ERM 318), Theories and Policies of Agricultural Land Use (ERM 417), as well as Agriculture and Sustainable Development in the Third World (ERM 418). At the postgraduate level, he convenes Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Education (ERM 513), Environment and Health (ERM 717) and Participatory Resource Management (ERM 507). He has successfully supervised twelve (12) MPhil theses and five (5) M.A. term papers. He is currently supervising seven MPhil theses in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies, Faculty of Integrated Development Studies.
i. Sylvester B. Sungbaahee & Alfred B. Kpieta (2020). Smallholder Farmers’ Perception of Sustainable Land Management Practices (SLMPs) in the Upper West Region, Ghana. African Geographical Review, DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2020.1845216
ii. Sylvester Sungbaahee and Alfred B. Kpieta (2020). Smallholder Farmers’ Profit Margin on Sustainable Land Management Practices in Ghana. Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences (JEAS) (ISSN: 2313-8629), March 28, 2020. Vol 22(1): 71-81
Department:Environment and Resource Studies

Dennis Puorideme
Dr. Dennis Puorideme is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Department, African and Endogenous Studies (DAES). He is a professional planner, a trained social worker, and a development practitioner. He was born and raised in Ghana, a culturally diverse society, but received a multicultural socialization nationally and internationally. Dr. Puorideme holds a Ph.D in Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies from Aalborg University, Denmark, 2018. His doctoral dissertation focuses on intersecting discourses of social protection, gender, governance (power relations) and development in Ghana from an interdisciplinary approach. Also, he holds an MSc. in Development Planning and Management from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2010, and a BA. in Integrated Development Studies from the University for Development Studies, Ghana, 2005. In addition, He holds a certificate in Social Work from the School of Social Work in Osu-Accra, 1999, under the Department of Social Welfare, Ghana.
Dr. Puorideme has over eighteen (18) years of experience working with the University for Development Studies and the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (UDS and SDD-UBIDS). He rose through the ranks of Teaching Assistant in the Departments of African and General Studies to a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Development Studies, and in the Department of Communication Studies at present. He teaches courses in undergraduate and graduate programmes and supervises both undergraduate and graduate students’ projects. Currently, Dr. Puorideme is interested in researching Discourses, Intercultural Communication, Advocacy Communication and Development in contemporary societies from interdisciplinary approach. Thus, he conducts research in the fields of Discourse Studies, Communication Studies, Development Studies in the context of Africa in relation to the rest of the developing and developed worlds. He is the Ghana Institute of Planners vice chair of the Wa Zone 9. Thus, he was the secretary to an ad hoc committee (GIP Eco protection Committee) constituted by the president of the Ghana Institute of Planners (GIP) to issue a press release in May 2022 about “The Ghana Institute of Planners (GIP) position on executive instrument (E.I.) 144 declassifying 361.50 acres of Achimota forest reserve as a non-forest reserve”. At multiple levels – local, national and international – he collaborated with renowned consultants and organizations such as COWI A/S, DANIDA, European Commission, USAID, and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to implement development projects in Ghana. He has over ten years of experience in development practice as a team leader, a consultant and a supervisor of private sector organizations and development projects. He successfully led the implementation of the Business Sector Advocacy Challenge (BUSAC) Fund, a DANIDA-led advocacy project, and implemented projects worth over five million Ghana cedis (the equivalent of over $2.5m at the time) in the then three regions of the north of Ghana, parts of the Volta and Brong Ahafo regions.
- Puorideme, D. (2022). An ethnographic-discourse analysis of the socio-political effects of interaction between cash transfer programme authorities, caregivers and non-beneficiaries. The European Journal of Development Research.
- Puorideme, D., & Christensen, I. L. (2022). “Those who eat from one pot”: Constructing household as a social category in a cash transfer programme in Ghana. Journal of International Development, 34(2), 442-460.
- Puorideme, D. (2021). Examining Ghana’s cash transfer programme outcomes in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality from conversation and membership categorization analyses perspectives. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 18(1), 120-145.
Department:African and Endogenous Studies

Senior Lecturer
David Millar
Professor Dr. David Millar is currently a Professor of Integrated Development Studies and a Fellow of the African Studies Centre – Lieden, The Netherlands. Until his retirement, he was Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University for Development Studies from 2008 to 2012. Prof Millar previously served as Dean for Research and Postgraduate Programmes, and Dean for the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at the University for Development Studies. He holds a PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, an MSc. in Management of Agricultural Knowledge Systems from the Wageningen Agricultural University, Netherlands, and a BSc in Animal Science from the University of Ghana. He is also a post-graduate certificate holder in Rural Extension (ICRE) and Farming Systems Research (ICRA) from the International Agricultural Centre, Netherlands.
He has served at the National Development Planning Commission of Ghana; he has also done extensive work in support of Government’s Development Policies and Programmes. Pro bonus, he has provided policy advice to various Governmental Positions in Ghana and beyond. He has also served on several Local Boards such as CEKOD, CARE International, WaterAid, and SENTENEL. He has authored many books and papers on African agriculture practices and theories, cosmovision and endogenous development, African sciences, natural resource management and climate change issues. He started his secondary education at Navrongo Secondary School, and then Opoku Ware Secondary Schools. He proceeded to University of Ghana in 1974 and later between 1990 and 1996 had further studies in Wageningen Agriculture University in Holland for both his MSc and PhD Degrees. Prof. Millar was born in Bolgatanga, in the Upper East Region of Ghana, to the royal house of the Nandom-Gengenkpe in the Upper West Region of Ghana
Department:African and Endogenous Studies

Michael Pervarah
Dr Michael Pervarah is a Lecturer at the Department of African and Endogenous Studies of the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD-UBIDS). Prior to this, he was the Project Manager of the European Union funded Incubation to Entrepreneurship Project being implemented by ACDEP and Partners from 2019 to 2021. Michael previously was the Head of Programmes at ACDEP from 2013 to 2018, the Regional Coordinator – Northern Region of the USAID/ADVANCE I Project from 2010 to 2012.
Michael holds a PhD in Endogenous Development from the University for Development Studies, Tamale Ghana, MPhil in African Studies from the University of Ghana, Legon, and a BA Degree in Sociology and History from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. He also holds a three-year Post-Secondary Teacher’s Certificate ‘A” from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He has extensive experience in project management with expertise in strategic project planning, implementation and monitoring, food security and livelihoods, agricultural value chain development, local economic development and women’s empowerment and inclusive financing with over 10 years of experience implementing projects funded by USAID, EU, Global Affairs Canada (GOC), FAO, AGRA, IFAD/GoG and Misereor.
His research interest areas include African Knowledge Systems; Endogenous Development; Climate Change Resilience; Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods.
Department:African and Endogenous Studies

Thomas Azagsiba Agana
Mr. Thomas Azagsiba Agana is a Lecturer at SDD-UBIDS. Mr. Agana regards himself as smart, loyal and dedicated. He enjoys solving problems, especially problems that other people are unable to solve. His research interest areas are:
- Culture and development
- Gender and development
- African traditional medicine
Mr. Agana had his basic education in Bong-Soe, Roman Catholic Primary School, from 1985 to 1994. I proceeded to Bolgatanga Senior Secondary School in 1995 to 1997. In 1999/2000 academic year, he was enrolled into St. John Bosco’s Teacher Training College, Navrongo and completed in 2001/2002 academic year with Teacher Certificate ‘A’.
He obtained his bachelor’s degree at the University for Development (UDS), Wa Campus) from 2005/2006 to 2008/2009 and MPhil Development Studies at UDS, Wa Campus from 2012/2013 to 2015/2016 academic years. Currently he is pursing hi Ph.D programme in Culture and Development at Millar Institute for Trans-disciplinary and Development Studies in Bolgatanga, Ghana.
Work experience
- Seven years teaching experience with Ghana Education Service (GES), 2002/2003-2008/2009 academic year.
- Presiding Officer, 2004 Presidential and Parliamentary elections, in the Jirapa District.
- Presiding Officer, 2008 Presidential and Parliamentary elections, in Jirapa District.
- One week data collection with TECHNOSERVE in the Jirapa District, 15th to 22nd February, 2009.
- Field Supervisor, in the 2010 Housing and Population census, Wa West District, Wuchau.
- Five years as Senior Research Assistant in the University for Development Studies (UDS), 2010 to 2015.
- Part-time Teacher in Tupaso Senior High School from 2011 to 2015.
- An Assistant Lecturer in UDS, Wa Campus 2nd June 2015 to 17 July, 2017.
- Lecturer in UDS, Wa Campus 18th July, 2017 to date.
- Departmental Third Trimester Coordinator, 11th April, 2016 to 13th July, 2018.
- Departmental Academic Counsellor, 13th July, 2018 to date.
- Departmental Examination Committee Member, 13th July, 2018 to 2020.
- District Coordinator for Third Trimester Field Practical Programmre, Sawla/Bole Districts 1st May, 2018 to 30th July, 2019.
Presiding Officer, 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary elections, in Wa Municipality, Sing-Bakong.
Department:African and Endogenous Studies

Senior Lecturer
Cuthert Baataar K.M
I am currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of African and Endogenous Studies, and Vice Dean of Students of the University. I worked with the University of Ghana, Legon, in the Institute of African Studies from 2003 to 2004 as a Senior Research Assistant after I completed my Master of Philosophy degree. I joined the University for Development Studies, Wa Campus (now SDD-UBIDS) as a Lecturer in August, 2004. I have so far successfully supervised and graduated over twenty-six (26) Master of Philosophy degree students and have also served as an internal examiner to both MPhil and PhD students in the university. My part-time study in the University of Bergen, Norway for my PhD, 2006-2010, has exposed me to a wide range of research experience and external contacts. My research interest areas are Gender and Development, Culture and Development, and Family and Child Welfare.
- 2006-2010 PhD African Studies (Gender and Development) University of Ghana
- 2001-2003 MPhil African Studies University of Ghana
- 1992-1997 BA Hon (History) University of Cape Coast
- 1992-1997 Diploma in Education University of Cape Coast
- Dery, I., Refiloe Makama., Anisur Rahman Khan., Cuthbert Baataar., Zhouxiang Lu (Reviewing editor).2022. Configuring traditional masculinities among young men in northwestern Ghana: Surveillance, ambivalences, and vulnerabilities. Cogent Social Sciences, Volume 8, 2022 – Issue 1.
- Dery, I., Constance A. Akurugu., Cuthbert Baataar. (2022). Community leaders’ perceptions of and responses to intimate partner violence in Northwestern Ghana. PLoS ONE 17(3): e0262870. (ed)Lindsay Stark, Washington University in St. Louis, UNITED STATES https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0262870.
- Dery, I., Baataar, C. & Khan, A.R. (2022). Everyday peace building among Ghanaian men: ambiguities, resistances and possibilities. Journal of the British Academy, 10(s1):35–53.
Department:African and Endogenous Studies

Isaac Dery
Since 2020, I have been a lecturer in the Department of African and Endogenous Studies in the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies. Since 2022, I have been a visiting fellow at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom). Prior to joining UBIDS, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of South Africa (UNISA). I received my master’s (2013) and Ph.D (2018) in Gender Studies from the University of Sussex (UK) and the University of Cape Town, (South Africa), respectively. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Integrated Development Studies from the University for Development Studies, Ghana.
Research Interest
My scholarship focuses on community-engaged research in the field of Gender and African Studies with a specific interest in men and masculinities; violence; black/global Southern feminisms; sexualities and the intersections of these in contributing to the larger decolonial project in contemporary African societies. My research has influenced by an interest in weaving creative writing with feminist ethnographic methodologies in ways that amplify the everyday realities of marginalized communities in postcolonial Africa. Situated within a decolonial feminist praxis, I approach local communities and actors as important agents of social change. I belong to the following professional associations: African Studies Association of Africa, African Studies Association UK and African Studies Association US.
Science/Research Output Contributing to the larger decolonial project, I have published on the intersections of African Studies, Gender/Feminist Studies, masculinity studies, violence, and global Southern. I have published about 30 peer-reviewed articles. I am interested in collaborative and mutually beneficial research in the thematic areas outlined above.
Department:African and Endogenous Studies