Miss Gladys Diedong
Ms. Gladys Diedong is a Foundation Assistant Registrar of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, SDD-UBIDS. She holds HND Degree in Secretaryship and Management Studies from the Wa Polytechnic (Now Dr. Hila Liman Technical University, Bachelor of Management Studies from the University of Cape Coast (UCC) a Master of Arts in SocialAdministration and Master of Philosophy Degree in Social Administration all from the University for Development Studies (UDS).

Mr. Prosper Anchirinaah
Mr. Prosper Anchirinaah is a Junior Assistant Registrar at the School of Graduate Studies and Research, SDD-UBIDS. He is a professionally trained teacher and holds a first degree in Sociology and Social Work from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and a second degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Cape Coast.