The Academic Affairs Department of the SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies was created in July, 2020 following the creation of the SD Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies by an Act of Parliament (Act 1001) in August, 2019. It is a unit under the Office of the Registrar and is responsible for performing duties on behalf of the Registrar related to admissions and academic issues of the University. It supervises the sale of application forms for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The unit liaises with the Dean of Students to ensure the welfare of students generally. It works directly with the Student Representative Council (SRC) to address students’ problems. It issues letters of introduction to students, liaises with sponsors of students and keeps students’ records.

The activities for the year under review included:

  • The Processing and release of Online Admission Application Forms for sale, receiving and processing completed Admission Applications and Admission of students;
  • Liaising with the Finance Office on the payment of fees, etc
  • Keeping records on all students;
  • Keeping track of all disciplinary actions on students;
  • Verification of certificates from institutions and organizations
  • Facilitating the issuance of Identity Cards to fresh students and new staff;
  • Keeping records of Academic Board and Executive Committee decisions and following up on their implementation:
  • Ensuring that all Examination Materials are supplied the various faculties

Under Construction

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