

Upon coming into existence, the University has cuffed out a very unique Vision of becoming an internationally acclaimed Centre of Excellence in higher education through quality teaching and learning, research and practical-oriented training programmes to produce graduates who can stand the test of time.

To contribute to the realisation of the Mandate of the University, Management of the Counselling Unit is working to make the Unit a place of excellence where both students and staff will be attracted to visit and have their personal-social, psychological, academic and career problems, difficulties or challenges resolved as well as be equipped with the requisite information and techniques for their total self-development and wellbeing. The Unit therefore seeks to support the Vision and Mission of the University through the provision of all-inclusive and supportive programmes and activities for Undergraduate students, Graduate Students, and the entire University community and its environs. This is to ensure a very conducive environment that will support the academic work and the social life of both staff and students

The counsellor in collaboration with other stakeholders plans, designs, implements and evaluates the university guidance and counselling programme at the end of the academic year. The counsellor aims to assist the students and other members of the University Community in these three broad areas among others;

  1. Learning to learn (academics)
  2. Learning to live (personal social)
  3. Learning to work (career)

The Guidance and Counselling Committee is put together in consultation with school management. The committee includes representation from all Faculties, departments, units and unions/groupings in the school including reps from students and non-teaching staff. The role of the committee is to assist the school counsellor in making Guidance and Counselling Services available and accessible to members of the university community and its environs.



To provide a comprehensive, attractive and developmental Guidance and Counselling Programmes that addresses the academic, personal/social, and career development of all students and staff and ensures that, they are self-directed, life-long learners who are academically good, socially fit and career-ready.



To facilitate equal access to a comprehensive school Guidance and Counselling Programme for all students and staff and that this programme serves as an integral part of the overall educational experience in the University.

Core Values

Core Values

  • Confidentiality
  • Empathy
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Trust
  • Sensitive to differences
  • Respect for autonomy
  • Collaboration
Services Rendered

Services Rendered

The counselling unit provides among other things the following services

  • Information Services
  • Personal-Social Guidance and Counselling
  • Career Guidance and Counselling
  • Academic Guidance and Counselling
  • Marriage / Relationship Guidance and Counselling
  • Orientation Services
  • Decision-Making Skills
  • Family and work-related stress management
  • Conflict management and resolution
  • Grief Counselling
  • Breaking Bad News
  • Research Seminars / Workshops on topical issues
  • Managing/Coping Skills (Stress, Depression and Anxiety etc)
  • Family Counselling
  • Educational workshops/Seminars
  • Support for Differently Able Persons
  • Trauma/Crisis counselling
  • Research
  • Training etc.

We provide these services through face-to-face, Telephone calls and Social Media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and WhatsApp etc. The unit is working to include Online Services, Video Services (zoom), counsellors on call and other electronic means of making our services easily available, accessible and attractive to our clients. The counsellor in the Unit is committed to practising counselling in ways that are Confidential, Inclusive, Accessible and affirming to students and the University community regardless of the student/client’s background, culture, ethnicity, believes, sexuality, abilities, gender identity and socio-economies. The unit seeks to promote inclusivity and provide a conducive and stress-free environment to enhance teaching and learning.

Disability Counselling

Aside our general services that are available and accessible by all persons (including differently abled persons) in the University and its environs, the Counselling Unit also has a deliberate support system for persons of different abilities (disability). These include but not limited to the following

  • Disability counselling
  • Campus navigation support services
  • Self-esteem guidance and counselling services
  • Mediation services (between differently able student and his/her faculty, department, lectures and other administrative and support staff, parents and colleagues)
  • Self–care education and counselling etc.

Dealing with or living with a disability can be a long journey, both mentally and physically. It can be just as tough for those who live with or care for a person with disability.  Victims of disability may find it difficult to come to terms with their condition, as well as adapting to a lifestyle that involves new challenges like academic work and social life on campus. The Counselling Unit aims to provide support to people with different abilities, as well as their partners, family, friends and carers. This is to ensure that, we create equal opportunities for all persons regardless of the person status, appearance, abilities and disabilities.

Functions of the Team

Functions of the Team

In order to advance our shared vision of an excellent counseling program, The committee will assist to:

    • Provide students with a safe and caring environment that enables them to develop appropriate educational and career goals.
    • Collaboratively monitor the social and emotional wellness of students and deliver personalized services be it in the lecture halls or offices.
    • Recognize and respect different developmental levels and readiness of each of our students.
    • Provide support to students and colleagues in their constituencies.
    • Model the honesty, integrity, and respect we hope to develop in our students.
    • Collaboratively work with the university counsellor to deliver the most effective programs, services and resources possible in their various constituencies.
    • Make referral to the University counsellor when necessary