This is a six-month unpaid internship, and the students may use the internship to fulfill a course/credit
(based on an agreed arrangement with the school). The World Bank will also issue a certificate to deserving
interns upon completion of the internship. The anticipated start date will be October 1, 2022, with the
internship expected to continue through March 31, 2023, with the potential for renewal dependent on the
additional tasks. The intern will be expected to work 10-15 hours per week.
The Intern will report to the World Bank Task Team (through mainly virtual means) and work in close
coordination with the World Bank Task Team, and other relevant government stakeholders in defining
priorities and assessing the timeframes for delivery during the assignment.

Application package and Selection Process
1. An application letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Transcript of Academic records (Bachelors)
4. Signed copy of statement of results (Masters) by the Dean of Graduate school/Graduate
programmes coordinator
5. Writing Sample e.g. Term paper or summary of Long Essay or journal article.
Please send your application as a single pdf file (attachment) to

Deadline: 10th September 2022
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. The five shortlisted applicants for each theme will write a
short test conducted by the team. Three applicants that pass the written test will undergo a face-to-face
interview with SD Dombo UBIDS staff. The final two applicants will then undergo a final interview with
the World Bank team and the final successful candidate will be informed. Applicants cannot apply for more
than one of these six World Bank internships.

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